July 15, 2005: New Server (7) |
It's been a year since my last update - I can't believe it
- and I guess you've figured out that I have news to
share. I've moved the site to a new server. Tripod is out,
and the slow server that was once ad free is out too,
because they started placing ads everywhere.
is the best URL to use now. The Google ads that you see on
the site now are mine - if you see something interesting,
please investigate it further by clicking on the ad -
it'll really help me out as the site is getting more and
more costly to run. I know ads aren't great, but I tried
to make them as unobtrusive as possible - and the site has
been ad free for quite some time as well. Thanks for your
support - Enjoy the site.
Aron Mrugalski, |
July 9, 2004: Almost Done (6) |
huge update today, sorry about the wait. The site is now
almost 100% complete. Enjoy!
Aron Mrugalski, |
February 15, 2003: Movie and Sound Clips Completed (5) |
"Movie Clips" and "Sound Clips" pages
are completed. But as soon as I get slightly ahead, I
fall behind once more. Yesterday, StarGalaxy decided to
switch to a new server, which means the gallery I made
on the 13th, is already out of date! Because of this,
General Gallery 3, may not work, I'm keeping it ONLINE,
but it might not work at all times. Please bare with me.
Anyway, that's all for now. C YA!
Aron Mrugalski, |
February 13, 2003: Most Pictures Completed (4) |
Valentines Day, a little early! The "Pictures"
page is very nearly complete, but what's done, is
posted. Thanks to everyone, for being so patient with
me, I know it's been awhile.
Aron Mrugalski, |
December 13, 2002: Promo Materials Up And Running (3) |
Christmas has come early, "Promo Materials", a
large chunk of the site is now complete. The trailer may
not work perfectly or at all, but I'll try to get that
fixed soon. And incase I don't see you, Merry Christmas,
and a Happy New Year to you!
Aron Mrugalski, |
November 16, 2002: Summary and Reviews (2) |
I've been
working hard today, and now, the "Summary" and
"Reviews" sections are complete. Don't forget
to read yesterdays news, it's important. Enjoy!
Aron Mrugalski,
Friday, November 15, 2002:
First News
Update Ever (1)

would like to thank those of you who have already
visited the site and have appreciated it's content. As
you are no doubt aware, the site is still under
construction, and it may be awhile before it is fully
completed. This is due to work, "school N
stuff", and all that other junk people have to do
in life. I am working as fast as possible and I know it
isn't always fast enough. But, just yesterday, I found a
new server for the site, it's a little bit slower, but
it doesn't have ads on it like the Tripod server. The
server is different but the URL is the same,
Although, if the ads don't bother you and you prefer to
work with a faster server, just use the alternate,
located at
and you will be taken to the old, Tripod server. Just a
little change that I hope will improve the sites appeal
and maybe even it's performance.
another note, this little news section will always be
located at the bottom of every page under
"PopUpdates". The link will open in a new
window. This section, along with "About The
Site", "FAQ" and "Legal" will also be home to all the
little, slightly useless, parts of the site. This will
includes things such as chat rooms, forums, comment
box, etc. Hope you enjoy the site, and I will keep you
posted on all major updates from now on.
Aron Mrugalski,
This will not always popup upon entry to the site. It
will only do so for the first couple of weeks so people
can get the message. Thanks Again.

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